Kajal Application for Newborns: Tips for Safety and Hygiene
December 18, 2023

Kajal Application for Newborns: Tips for Safety and Hygiene

Bringing a newborn into the world is a magical experience, and as parents embark on this journey, they are often flooded with advice, especially when it comes to caring for their little ones. One age-old tradition that has been passed down through generations is the application of kajal to a newborn's eyes.  

This practice is not just a cultural norm; it is believed to have various benefits for the baby's eyesight and overall well-being. However, in this modern age, where safety and organic choices are paramount, it's essential to navigate this tradition with care.  

In this article, we'll explore the significance of using kajal for newborns and offer valuable tips on safety and hygiene. 

Why Do We Put Kajal on Babies? 

The practice of applying kajal to babies has profound cultural roots and is deeply rooted in tradition in many communities. While the reasons may vary, the common belief is that applying kajal to a newborn's eyes holds several symbolic and practical benefits: 

  1. Promoting Good Eyesight:

    Another prevalent belief is that kajal promotes good eyesight in babies. It is often considered a means of strengthening the eyes and enhancing visual development. The application of kajal is seen as a proactive step towards ensuring the baby's eyes grow strong and healthy. 
  2. Preventing Infections:

    Kajal is believed to have antimicrobial properties, and its application is thought to protect the baby's eyes from infections. In the past, when hygiene practices were not as advanced, kajal may have served as a natural way to shield the eyes from environmental contaminants. 
  3. Cultural and Traditional Significance:

    Many cultural and religious rituals involve the application of kajal to signify blessings and protection. It's often seen as a gesture of love and care, passed down through generations as a cherished tradition that connects families to their cultural heritage. One of the primary reasons behind applying kajal on a newborn baby is to protect them from the "evil eye." Kajal is thought to act as a protective barrier in many cultures, deflecting any harmful intentions.
  4. Enhancing Facial Features:

    The dark outline created by Kajal is also seen as a way to enhance the baby's facial features. It is believed to highlight the beauty of the eyes, making them appear larger and more captivating. 

While the cultural significance of applying kajal on newborn babies is deeply rooted, it's important for modern parents to approach this tradition with a balance of cultural respect and contemporary awareness.  

Choosing organic kajal for newborns and following safe application practices can help preserve the tradition while prioritizing the health and well-being of the newborn. Always keep in mind that cultural practices evolve and adapting them to modern standards ensures a harmonious blend of tradition and informed parenting. 

Choosing the Right Kajal for Babies: 

Opting for organic kajal for newborn babies is a wise decision for parents who prioritize their baby's health. Traditional kajal products may include toxic ingredients that may irritate the delicate skin around the eyes. Look for certified organic kajal, free from parabens, artificial fragrances, and other harsh additives.  

These products are specially designed to be mild on a baby's sensitive skin, lowering the chance of irritation or allergies. Our Nayan Anjan Baby Kajal is infused with ayurvedic essential oils and nuts that provide nourishment and protect your baby's eyes. 

Tips for Safe Application: 

  1. Wash Your Hands:

    Before you start, it's essential to wash your hands thoroughly. This helps prevent the transfer of any germs or dirt to your baby's face during the application process. 
  2. Choose the Right Time:

    Pick a time when your baby is calm and alert. Trying to apply kajal when your baby is fussy may lead to a challenging experience for both of you. 
  3. Use a Clean Applicator:

    Opt for a clean, soft cotton swab or a specially designed kajal applicator. Ensure that it is only used for your baby's eyes to maintain hygiene. 
  4. Be Gentle:

    Gently pull down the lower eyelid and apply a small amount of organic kajal along the waterline. Avoid applying kajal on the eyelashes or upper eyelids to prevent any product from entering the eyes. 
  5. Check for Red Flags:

    Keep a close eye on your baby's reaction during and after the application. If you observe any signs of pain, redness, or inflammation, immediately remove the kajal and visit your pediatrician. 

Maintaining Hygiene: 

  1. Regular Cleaning:

    Clean the applicator after each use and store the organic kajal in a cool, dry place. This inhibits the growth of bacteria and ensures that the product is safe for your baby's sensitive eyes. 
  2. Check Expiry Dates:

    Organic products may have a shorter shelf life, so always check the expiry date before using the kajal. Using expired products can pose risks to your baby's health. 
  3. Avoid Sharing:

    Never share your baby's kajal with others. Each baby's eyes are unique, and sharing kajal may lead to cross-contamination and potential infections. 

Embracing cultural traditions like applying kajal to a newborn's eyes can be a beautiful way to connect with your heritage. By choosing organic kajal and following these safety and hygiene tips, you can uphold this tradition in a manner that aligns with modern parenting practices. Remember, the health and well-being of your little one is of utmost importance, and with these guidelines, you can navigate this age-old ritual with confidence and care. Here's to happy and healthy parenting! 

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